Hello, ? lovebug. Someone on my Facebook feed kindly reminded me yesterday that there are officially 20 weeks left until Christmas, to which I was like, “Woman, you’re cray!” It’s 80+ degrees outside, and I’m not ready to think about roasting chestnuts on an open fire…which I’ve never done before, BTW, but it sounds hella dangerous, especially while wearing hair styling products, because I’m not about to spontaneously combust over roasted nuts…
Which brings us to summer hair and easy summer hair styles.
As you know, I’ll do almost anything in the name of le beauté, but who wants to stand in front of a hot hair dryer while it’s broiling outside? I love a marvelous mane as much as the next girl, but these are the dog days of summer. I’d like to avoid sweating more than necessary, thanks very much.
Over the next four days, I’ll be showcasing some totally doable everyday hair styles that don’t require heat styling tools, and I’ll be using some of my favorite products from Oribe.
Say it with me: “OAR-bae.”
Today is all about “the braid.” It’s simple, chic and easily my top summer fave because…have you ever noticed that it doesn’t really matter what type of braid you do — fishtail, French braid, Dutch braid, etc.
Continue reading "Easy Everyday Hair Styles for the Dog Days of Summer, Day 1: The Woven Wonder" on Makeup and Beauty Blog.