YOU GUYS. The struggle is so real. The other night I opened my purse (a.k.a The Black Hole) to look for a pen so I could take notes in a meeting, but instead of finding a pen…I found five tubes of lipstick.
Believe it or not, that was actually low for me.
One time when I couldn’t find my car keys, I dumped out my Kate Spade and — I kid you not — half a MAC counter fell out. Funnily enough, all of the lippies were more or less the same nude shade. ?
Even though the rational part of my brain was like, “Dude, this is Rick-sanity. You’re two shakes away from biting off someone’s ear in hand-to-hand combat,” the non-rational part was high-fiving a million little angels.
You feel me.
(Now for a little light reading…)
Um…can you clear out any space in your makeup drawer? If you’re a Shiseido fan, you might want to! The line is revamping their ENTIRE MAKEUP LINE THIS SEPTEMBER. Rumor has it they’re trying to draw more 20- and 30-somethings to the brand, and the revamp also means that more than 100 products will be retired, so if there’s something you can’t live without, better stock up now before it’s gone baby, gone.
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