Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 514

Today the system worked.
All the planning, the training, the high-intensity napping and the gallons of gravy — all of it paid off.

Today while Tabs was actually on neighborhood patrol, Harris the Cat attempted to break into the offices of Tabs the Cat Industries LLC.
The following images were pulled from this morning’s CCCT (closed circuit cat television) security tapes…

Thankfully, the biometric retinal scanners kept the office doors locked and secure, and Harris was unable to gain entry, but we’re all still on orange alert here…

We’re going to have to beef up security even more after this, though. Tabs is actually considering hiring the neighbor’s dog Arty as a freelance security consultant to provide backup assistance, but we might have to transfer funds from this month’s gravy budget to do it.
We’ll see how that goes.

Desperate times call for desperate measures…

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
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